Saturday, December 8, 2007

Military Mom

We're a real God, Queen and Country family. It makes us different. It makes us different in a sad, lonely, over-responsible way. It all started with my Grade 11 history class - Sparta & Athens. Children are their mothers until they are 7 and then they belong to the state. And then there was Grade 12 history where I learned that Canadian boys were sent into WWI and WWII malnourished and ill-trained. Well I could at least see that they were trained. And of course they had a father - the real history buff -the guy whose favourite channel is the military channel.
Prime Minister Harper said he was impressed by the moms of the fallen soldiers. Said they were a different breed. Well, having a son in the military changes you. I can't watch action movies - don't see anything entertaining about violence anymore. I go to google news instead of tv because I want to know what's going on without actually seeing it. My kids say I depend too much on angels to look after them but mothers who can't protect their children need the belief that they are being watched over and protected. It's a little flaky but provides more comfort than any human could. My kids reassure me that I'm nothing like Tom Cruise's mom in The Fourth of July but you still wonder what their choices would have been if I'd had more of a party, cheerleader, fun personality. I'm a frequent visitor to the Nobel Website. Have to believe that goodness and justice and truth are more powerful than any weaponry mankind can devise. And I'm really clear on what I want for my children - someone who really loves them, the joy of children, a place to call home and a job where they are valued. That's it. Did you hear that God? That's my Christmas wish.

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